Saturday, December 26, 2009
2nd Christmas day in Germany... December 26th 2009
My cousin and my grandma made this book together this year and they printed it too. It looks awesome and has so many wonderful pictures in there, some I haven't even seen before. I love it and it is definitely my most precious christmas gift. :)
One picture that made me pretty sad is of my grandpa. It is taken the day before he passed away (over 7 1/2 years ago) and I never saw it before. I was on my mission when he died and it was hard but I know I am going to see him again.
The last time I saw him was April 2nd 2002 (a month before he passed on). I came over to say good bye to him and my grandma before leaving for the MTC. I remember hugging him, starting to walk away (he had been very ill with cancer at that time) and when I turned back, I saw him crying. I never saw him crying before so that was so hard for me. Just writing about it makes me very emotional but I want to share with everyone how dear he was to me.
What a blessing it is to have the knowledge I have. I am so grateful that I know that I will see him (and my other grandpa as well) again. I am grateful that I have a wonderful family and in-law-family and that I know even when we die, we will be together again. Life isn't over after death and I know that I am a daughter of God. It isn't just that I learn that in church I feel it in my heart.
I had been feeling kind of depressed and disappointed today even a bit angry about things that happened in the past fewe weeks. But after reading my grandma's story I realized that none of these things really matter. What matters is, that I know that I have a wonderful family, that I know that God loves me and that he is there for me whenever I need him (especially during hard and tough times) and that I can do anything as long as I trust in the Lord and do my part.
Life is tough and trials are no fun, but they make us stronger in the end. I have to admit I miss my family like crazy right now but with this wonderful book I feel even more closer to each and one of them.
I am so grateful for the Christmas season when we get to reflect on those most important things in life and family is definitely one of it.
One of my favorite quotes say's it all: "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it!"
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sonntag 20.12.09 4. Advent...
Aber es gibt auch schoenes zu berichten, zum Beispiel sind wir jetzt gerade bei meiner Schwiegerfamilie und das ist wirklich nett. Wir sind gestern den ganzen Tag gefahren und haben mit 3 Pausen (2x tanken) gut 12 Stunden gebraucht. Ist natuerlich eine lange Strecke, aber unsere Jungs haben super mitgemacht und auch unsere Josie hat das alles prima ueberstanden. Hier ist es schoen winterlich kalt und hier und da liegt auch noch Schnee und so kommt doch endlich etwas mehr Weihnachtsstimmung auf. :)
Mein kleiner Neffe wurde heute gesegnet und er ist ja so ein niedliches kleines Kerlchen. Er sieht seinem Papa wie aus dem Gesicht geschnitten aus und hat das gleiche Laecheln wie seine grosse Schwester. Im Augenblick sind alle bei den Eltern meiner Schwaegerin aber da unser Nathan doch ganz schoen durch den Wind ist, bin ich mit ihm zurueck nach Hause gefahren um hier ein wenig Ruhe zu geniessen. Da auch meine Schwaegerin eine grosse Familie hat ist da natuerlich eine Menge los und ich muss zugeben, ich geniesse die Entspannung hier.
Ansonsten war in der letzten Woche viel los. Ich bin 3x nach LA zu einem Casting gefahren und werde langsam zur geuebten Fahrerin. Auch als wir hier her gefahren sind, habe ich den ersten Teil der Strecke uebernommen und bis Las Vegas bin ich gefahren. Ja, ja ich mache mich und darueber bin ich sehr stolz. :)
Freitagabend hatten wir noch eine Gemeindeweihnachtsfeier und auch das war sehr nett gewesen. Muss allerdings zugeben, dass ich Treffen in kleineren Gruppen bevorzuge. ;)
Josh und Nathan freuen sich sehr hier bei Oma und Opa sein zu koennen. Sie geniessen auch die Aufmerksamkeit ihrer juengsten Onkel und erfreuen sich an den ganzen Spielsachen die hier noch sind.
Josie verfolgt den armen Hund meiner Schwiegereltern wie verrueckt. Aber sie haelt auch gebuehrenden Abstand vor ihm. Habe gerade beobachtet, wie sie immer stehenblieb wenn er stehenblieb und wenn er weiter ging, ging auch sie langsam weiter. Ich frage mich manchmal was in den Tieren so vor sich geht. :)
Dann will ich mal wieder nach meinem Sohn sehen. Im Augenblick scheint er lieb mit Autos zu spielen, aber das kann sich jederzeit sehr aendern. Kinder sind ja sehr schnell und ganz besonders wenn es ums Bloedsinn machen geht. :)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Tuesday December 8th 2009...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sonntag 22. November 2009
Nun muss ich aber dazu sagen, dass ich das alles nicht mache weil ich eine Karriere anstrebe. Es war einfach immer mein Traum etwas mit Schauspielerei zu machen und ich habe wirklich riesige Freude daran. Ich geniesse es einmal in der Woche eine Klasse zu haben die mich ueber verschiedene Dinge mit der Schauspielerei unterrichtet und bin einfach total begeistert. :D Mir tut es so gut und ich bin so viel gluecklicher.
Ich bin auch so unendlich dankbar, dass mich mein Mann so sehr unterstuetzt und das auch gut findet denn ohne ihn waere das ja gar nicht moeglich.
Ich sage mir ganz einfach folgendes: Wenn es das richtige fuer mich ist und ich mich an die Gebote des himmlischen Vaters halte und versuche ein gutes Beispiel fuer andere zu sein, wird er mich sicher auch segnen und es wird das passieren was gut und richtig fuer mich ist. Wenn nichts passiert erfreue ich mich einfach an meinem Hobby und mache das beste daraus. Es heisst doch man soll seine Talente foerdern und na ja ich denke ganz einfach das ich schon irgendwo ein kleines Talent in der Richtung habe und deswegen macht es mir vermutlich auch so viel Freude es groesser zu machen. :D
Ich liebe es wirklich Hausfrau und Mutter zu sein und ich vermisse das Arbeitsleben nicht ein bisschen aber ich sehe dieses nicht als einen wirklichen Job (im Moment ist es sowieso nur ein grosses Hobby) und selbst wenn es irgendwann mal mehr werden sollte, ist es einfach etwas was mich ausfuellt und gluecklich macht. Ich kann es gar nicht genau beschreiben, aber ich liebe es und eine Sache die ich schon immer gerne gemacht habe bzw. auch noch mache ist es andere mit meinem trockenen Humor zum lachen zu bringen. Ich moechte gutes tun und anderen helfen und ihnen das Leben verschoenern und ich denke schon, dass es eine Art von dienen ist wenn man anderen ein Laecheln auf die Lippen zaubern kann, oder?
Ich versuche mich hier gewiss nicht in den Himmel zu preisen ganz sicher nicht. Was ich versuche auszudruecken ist, dass jeder eben verschiedene Talente hat. Ich habe Verwandte die total gut zeichnen und malen koennen (da bin ich eine absolute Oberniete), meine Mutter schreibt mal eben so ein paar Buecher (da habe ich was von ihr geerbt aber trotzdem noch nicht genug), andere sind gut im kochen und backen (auch da habe ich schon ein paar gute Dinge entwickeln koennen und das macht mir Spass), andere koennen Naehen oder stricken (habe ich nicht besonders viel Geduld zu) und ich habe eben etwas in die Richtung Schauspielerei abgekriegt, aber vorallem auch die Geduld dahinter zu stehen und etwas daraus zu machen.
Ich erinnere mich so gerne an die Zeit zurueck wo ich bei "Wings of Music" mitgemacht habe. Was hat mir das Spass gemacht vorallem eben auch "Madam Thenardier" zu singen. :D Gute alte Zeiten.
Donnerstagnacht bin ich dann in die Premierevorstellung von dem neuen "Twilightfilm" gegangen da mich meine Freundinnen ueberredet haben doch mitzukommen. Der Film war echt super aber ich war doch ganz schoen tot zumal der Film erst nach Mitternacht los ging und ich erst um 3.00 Uhr morgens zuhause war. War aber echt lustig und ich habe die Zeit mit meinen Freundinnen sehr genossen.
Freitag hatte ich dann abends meine Klasse und vorher noch ein Casting fuer einen Film in San Diego. Mal sehen was dabei herauskommt. War auf alle Faelle eine gute Erfahrung und meine "Klassenkameraden" sind auch alle cool.
Nathan ist zur Zeit wieder erkaeltet. Es zieht sich bei ihm immer ziemlich lange hin. Keine Ahnung woran das liegt denn gerade letzte Woche bin ich mit den Jungs in den Zoo und "Wild Animal Park" gefahren und habe uns somit ordentlich frische Luft verpasst. Diese Jahrespaesse sind echt super. Naechste Woche werden wir sicher Sea World ansteuern und evtl. wieder den Zoo mal schauen. Jetzt im Winter (falls man das hier in San Diego so nennen kann) und vorallem waehrend des Tages sind diese Parks schoen leer. :)
Wir freuen uns aber auch schon riesig auf den Besuch von Nick's Eltern und juengsten Bruedern die am Donnerstag fuer ein paar Tage zu uns kommen. Es ist ja Thanksgiving und somit koennen wir zusammen feiern.
So ja wir sind immer gut beschaeftigt und haben staendig irgendwas. Heute Abend hatten wir auch alle 4 Missionare zum essen und ein neue Mitgliederfamilie. Nick hat sich mit seinem "Huhn suess-sauer" und seiner Schwarzwaelderkirschtorte wieder selber uebertroffen. :) Es ist schoen, dass ihm das kochen und backen auch Freude macht und er das somit ab und zu auch machen kann. Es geht nichts ueber einen Mann der begabt in der Kueche ist. :)
Auf in den Kampf der naechsten Woche.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tuesday November 17th 2009
Last Wednesday was a holiday and a great day for me since my wonderful hubby took our boys to Legoland and I had a day to myself. :D So great. I had a physical therapy appointment in the morning (my last one, I am going to miss that since the therapists there were awesome and super nice) and then I cleaned some and relaxed with my favorite activity "the computer". Nick and I were planning on going to the temple that night and I wanted to make a meal for a family from our ward who just had a baby but other than that I was free, until...
2.40pm I get a phone call from the sister missionaries asking me if I could come and help teach a new-member discussion. Sure I could do that but they wanted me to be there by 3.30pm and it was all on the other side from Chula Vista. :O So that meant I had some major stress coming up. I got ready as quick as possible (the camera team was going to be there as well so I had to make-up myself up ;)) drove there as fast as possible (and allowed of course) and met with them, did the appointment, rushed home, fixed dinner very quick, got ready for the temple, left with Nick to drop of the food and go to the temple and I made it. It was a lot of work and stress but I am glad it worked all out because in the end I felt good about helping others.
Friday I had my class again and on Saturday I had my first "paid" acting job in Hollywood. I was cast for the game show "The Singing Bee" as an audience member. It was super cool and I am so proud of myself for driving there (in Nick's freaking car) all by myself. It is quite a drive and so I was gone most of the day since we recorded 2 shows.
I have to admit before getting there I hardly new anything about that show. I get so many e-mails and whatever sounds fun or good to me I submit myself to. I didn't even know who the host was and so obviously I was very surprised but in a good way when they announced Melissa Peterman as the host. WHOOHOO I am such a big fan of the TV-Show Reba and so seeing someone I know so well from that show so close was pretty cool. :D It was just so funny that they actually pay actors to be in the audience. I always thought the audience is people who have tickets or something but I guess that's not true anymore. ;)
Maybe I will be a host of a show like that someday too but I don't think I know enough about country music to be on that show. I love country music and I have a lot of music from Reba McEntire but that's about it.
It was a super cool experience and loads of fun but I was very exhausted in the end. You won't think that being in an audience could be exhausting and hard work but it really is as we had to repeat things over and over again, my hands were sore and swollen from clapping so much and my voice was mostly gone too. But I would do something like that in a heart-beat again. The drive was a bit scary but I have to say I am getting pretty good at it now finding places with mapquest and so I am getting more and more comfortable with that whole driving thing.
I really do love my new freedom with having a car and having the courage finally to drive it everywhere. (Ok almost everywhere, I still avoid downtown of course but hey I get even more comfortable with driving over the Coronado bridge!) :D
As for now I am working on getting off my extreme addiction from facebook. ;) I decided that in case my acting picks more up I need to focus more on my family and our home and learn how to balance things so my family doesn't feel neglected and of course the computer will be the first thing to go on my priority list. ;)
I have never been a very creative person/ Mom and so finding activities I enjoy as well as the boys is not so easy but I am getting there. Just you wait I will be "Super-Mom" at one point in life. Hahahahahahahahahaha good thing I can laugh about myself. I know it is never going to happen but I can dream that is my excuse for everything right now. :D
So yeah life is hectic and crazy right now and I miss hanging with my friends more often but I also love it. It feels good to be busy with things. I love going to the gym (I really need to do that again tomorrow), try to get my housework done and keeping my kids happy and occupied and so on.
I am a tired but very content (hope that makes sense and is the right word) with myself. So time to catch up on some sleep. Good night!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Donnerstag 5. November 2009
Ich lasse mich auf alle Faelle nicht verrueckt machen. Es ist eine Art von Grippe und es gibt so viele verschiedene Arten von Grippen und man kann sich eh nicht gegen alle impfen lassen. Unser Koerper hat schon eigene Abwehrkraepfte aber wenn wir uns gleich wegen jeder Panikmache impfen lassen hat der Koerper ja gar keine Chance das selbst in die Hand zu nehmen. :O Natuerlich gibt es Faelle wo es notwendig ist aber ich denke trotzdem das das meiste echt nur aufgepuscht wird. (Aber von den Faellen die fast an der Impfung gestorben waeren, hoert man fast gar nicht.)
So das war meine Meinung zu diesem Thema und jetzt ist Schluss damit sonst explodiere ich echt noch. ;)
Gestern Abend waren meine 3 Maenner unten und haben sich einen Film angesehen. Auf einmal hoerte ich einen lauten Knall. Zuerst dachte ich einer der drei hat einen meiner Kuechenschraenke zugeknallt aber Nick erzaehlte mir spaeter das er mit der Hand aufs Sofa (wir haben eine Ledercouch) gehauen hat. ;) Kurz darauf ertoente schon die Stimme von unserem 2jaehrigen: "HEY! Stop it!" hahahahahahaha manchmal sind diese Kinder so herrlich trocken und lustig. ;)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tuesday November 3rd 2009
Josh is so much like his dad. I just realized that while typing it. If you don't believe me ask his siblings they still suffer from trauma experiences from the past. ;)
Nick is and always has been sneaky. You wouldn't think he has such mean streaks in him, right? Well let me lighten you up a little... my dear always nice looking husband knows how to push buttons and he will do so no matter how angry the other person gets. Want an example? He threw a grape at one of his younger brothers so hard that he started to cry. :D And that is just a harmless story. I have much more but I am not sure if my dear annoying other half would appreciate it if I started sharing it with everyone.
So yeah Josh is definitely like his dad when it comes to that. Fun, can't wait for the next many years.
Anyway beside that discovery I did a lot of necessary housework and feel very good about myself. It is nice when the place is nice, clean and tidy again.
But Josh said the funniest thing tonight. We had the boys ready for bed and Nick said the prayer with Nathan. (He is awesome at repeating everything and so when he say's a prayer it is pretty cute.) As soon as we were done praying Josh looked up and said: "We still need to pray for president Monster!" hahahahahahahahaha (for everyone who doesn't know Praesident MONSON is our prophet. Cute that he thought about it even though he got the name wrong. )
I am still laughing about it. What a nice ending to a rather stressful day. :D
Monday, November 2, 2009
Montag 2. November 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Saturday October 17th...
Soon after the babyshower we went to my very first Football game with some friends. It was so awesome and I enjoyed every minute of it. It was so cool to sit there with people I knew and also loads of other BYU fans. YEAH!
The only thing that was pretty annoying was that dude next to us. Man he kept commenting on things and not quiet either. I was like "Hello... I am trying to watch that here..." Well I didn't say it but I would have liked too, but I think my husband would have died in embarrassment right there if I would have said anything. ;)
So I pretended it was funny and everything was cool. :D It was really tons of fun and I love the atmosphere in a live game.
After the game we all went out to dinner to a japanese restaurant where they cook the stuff on a table right infront of you. That was freaking awesome! :) I had never been to anything like that before so that was pretty cool to watch.
So I think right now my life is pretty cool again. That makes it nicer when tough times approach because you have fun times to remember. :D
Thanks again for a fun day. Great to have friends to share days like that with.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Freitag Oktober 16th 2009... heute mal in deutsch...
War heute wieder ein voller aber guter Tag. Es ist schon suess wenn ich meinen "grossen" Sohn zum Kindergarten bringe und er sich freut mit seinen Freunden zusammen sein zu koennen. Heute z.B. kam ein kleiner Junge auf uns zu und meinte: "Hi Josh!" Oh so suess. :D
Ich nehme Nathan jetzt immer mit zu meiner Physiotherapie. Er fuehlt sich dort schon wie zuhause und benimmt sich auch so. Er erwartet doch sehr viel Aufmerksamkeit und zeigt den Therapeuten ganz genau was er will. Seit sie beim ersten mal fuer ihn das Laufband angestellt haben damit er seine Autos darauf stellen konnte, muss das jetzt jedesmal gemacht werden. Ausserdem hat sich der eine Therapeut eine andere Beschaeftigung ausgedacht in dem er kleine Plastikrohre zusammensteckt, Nathan Murmeln in die Hand drueckt und ihm zeigt wie er diese dadurch kullern lassen kann, wenn er die Rohre etwas schief legt oder hoch stellt. Ja, ja ist schon lustig den kleinen Jungen zu beobachten wie er sich ueber so etwas freut.
Das eine mal hat ihn der eine Therapeut auf den Stuhl neben sich gesetzt da er gerade mit etwas beschaeftigt war und Nathan hat das nun als Bestrafung aufgefasst und gedacht er haette etwas falsch gemacht und sich staendig entschuldigt. :) Echt niedlich.
Meine Klasse war heute auch wieder schoen und meine "Mitschueler" und Lehrerin haben sich sehr darueber gefreut, dass ich eine Agentur gefunden habe die mich vertreten will und ausserdem die erste Einladung ein Hintergrundschauspieler in einem Studentenfilm zu sein. Bin mal gespannt wie das wird.
So ja ist ganz schoen spannend zur Zeit.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Thursday October 15th 2009...
After contacting my teacher and stuff I started getting worried that this was just another scam so I wasn't too happy when I went to bed last night.
Today I talked to my teacher on the phone and he gave me a few tips what to look for and things like that and so off I went after dropping off my kids at a friends house.
It was a very nice interview and I had a good feeling all along. So I do trust my feelings and think this is the right thing to do right now. :D
Then in the late afternoon I had an audition for a student project. I drove there just to find out that it was another twisted story about a man having an affair with his son's fiance. Man I am getting really angry now. I mean isn't it sad enough that things like that happen? Do we have to have those in movies also? :O What happened to the world?
Yes with my standards and values I have a huge fight ahead of me if I want to continue my dream but you know what I am willing to put up with it. Something has to happen. I know I am only one person and I don't have any power but maybe I have some influence who knows. What is it that dirty stupid scenes have to be in movies anyway? I have seen plenty of movies without that and guess what those movies get watched as well. If you want certain things in a movie, why don't you just watch the movies that are designed for that gross stuff?
What happens between a husband and wife (man and women) is wonderful but it doesn't have to be seen on TV. Foul language is annoying too. Why can't we talk nice and normal anymore? Why do so many movies and tv-shows have to have double meaning or even dirtyness to be funny?
Man this really does get to me and makes me so mad. I love movies and I love to laugh but little things that aren't necessary ruining a movie for me.
Yes all this just makes me want to show that it works without all that. It makes me want to change something.
I have heard so many times if you don't do certain things then you won't be successful in this business. Well HELLO do I have news for you. I don't care. I am not that stubborn for nothing. I might not get anywhere but I will at least try and I won't give up that easily. NO WAY! You are messing with the wrong girl.
Challenge is something we all need and I know that if I trust my feelings, listen to my insticts and trust in heavenly father everything that is meant for me will happen.
Yes I have my down times now and then and get discouraged but I also continue to trust in God and will keep going as long as I think it is right.
One quote I really love say's: "Nobody said it will be easy, but it will be all worth it!" I think that say's it all.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thursday October 8th 2009
Everyone is telling me not to take it personal and to be honest I really don't want to hear that anymore. I know it is not going against me but in a way it is. I don't even know how to describe it. Right now it is just so hard to deal with something like that since all the things I try and I am excited about don't seem to work at all.
It is like it doesn't matter what I do or try nothing works out and that is pretty discouraging. Oh well I will survive and I am not as down as I was two weeks ago. I am sure once I am through a bunch of stupid trials it will get better again. ;) And maybe then I can actually appreciate them. Let's hope for a good weekend. I actually have another audition so I am hoping this goes well for a change. ;) I could use some good news and some success for a change. :D
By the way I am trying to record my voice by singing songs I listen to (you hear them in the backround) and it is funny how different your voice sounds when you recorded it.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thursday October 1st... morning after my first "real" baseball game
Anyway I want to write about my very first real Baseball game experience. But first I want to say that I went to my class on Tuesday night and had soooooooooo much fun. It was well needed and I don't think I had laughed like that in quite some time.
So and yesterday then I got a call from my hubby telling that he might be able to get tickets for the baseball game at night through the military. A little later he called and said there were no more tickets. :( But again a while later he called back and said they still had some. I am like: "Stop messing with my head and make up your mind!" ;)
So yeah we went to the Balboa hospital to take a bus as a group. We almost missed it because some very smart person decided to have the bus wait on one side of the base and the tickets had to be picked up on the other side. :( We were late already but luckily they waited and so it was all good. (Still next time have the tickets where the bus is waiting. I mean HELLO some thinking is required.)
So yeah we got to Petco stadium and were greeted from someone from the media who took us to a "VIP-military-area" where we had free food (hotdogs, burgers and such) and drinks. Pretty cool. But some of those people were already drunk so that wasn't very cool since their language wasn't the greatest either. :( Then we went into the stadium and that really was an awesome experience. We actually had pretty good seats and I enjoyed it very much.
It was interesting to see because I knew quite abit about baseball already but man most of it was a bit boring as they always seem to take their time to actually do something. I am like well they can't get tired because they aren't doing anything. ;) But the padres won so that was awesome. And the little action we got was super cool. The field players in the back of the field did a great job catching a few balls out of the air and gave the LA dodgers one out or more. :D I have to say the dodgers really sucked last night. (I wasn't sad about it, but that made it more boring.)
One of the funny things I noticed that the padres pitchers did, was that before they actually threw the ball, they held it right behind their butt. I told Nick that it looked like they would fart on it before sending the ball off. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha I am still laughing about that. Seriously I am convinced they let some gas out so the other team would be distracted through the smell. Hahahahahahahahahahaha ok maybe not but it looked funny. :D
We won 5:0 so yeah it was a fun night I would always do again.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday September 28th 2009
Anyway, tonight we took the boys to their check-ups. Well I actually drove the boys there and met Nick there right after he finished work. And guess more things for me to get ticked off about. Josh had to get shots but not just one no 3 freaking shots in his arms. I mean what's going on over here? Do people actually think about those poor kids? Isn't one shot already bad enough? In Germany they have usually one combined shot with different vaccines in there. Why torture the kids more than necessary? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I discussed that with the doctor and told him what I thought of that but apparently nobody seems to care but me. :( Luckily Josh was super brave and didn't cry at all.
I told him beforehand it would hurt and I did what my Mom used to do with us when we were little. I poked him with my finger nail in his arm and compared that with the shot coming up. Obviously it isn't completely like that but it helped a bit and as I said he was extreme brave. :D
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Saturday September 26th... Crazy day...
Also I had a few pots that needed to be cleaned so I opened the oven and stuck them all in there. I am so smart!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wednesday September 23rd...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sunday September 20th...
Also Josh said a few funny things today. Elizabeth said to me that she thinks it is great, that he has been eating so much more lately and I said: "Yes he eats like a pig." Josh turned around and said in german to me: "Ich bin kein Schwein!" (I am not a pig). hahahahahaha I didn't say that but something like that I guess. ;)
Later another friend came for dinner and he likes to make fun of our cute little dog. Well he came in and greeted our puppy with the words: "Hello Sissi dog..." Josh looked at him and resonded: "That's not Sissi, that's Josie!" Clever, huh?
Anyway, everyone is asleep already so I better finish this off. I played most of the day "Nerds" with Elizabeth and that was tons of fun. Games are so great.
Good night!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Saturday September 19th...
The newest idea I have is doing a hobby-baking/cooking-business for friends and their friends. I have been told that I do a pretty good job with that and since I enjoy it as well and I can do it from home I figured I might as well offer it out to the world and see if anyone is interested in it and that way I can make some money with it. I don't want to open a real business because for that I need to have money and it also would be way to time-consuming. But as soon as I found out if people are interested I will either do another blog or something where people can tell me when they want to order something and what. So far it is just an idea. But I hope it will wake some interest because once I do get excited about something I want to see results right away. I know that is just impatient me. That's probably why my acting hasn't really picked up yet because I need to learn some more patience. :(
Anyway another thing that came into my head was due to the fact that someone tried to break into my friends house yesterday. :( I just can't believe what's up this week. It seems to hit her really hard because that was the second time that something happened and to be honest with you, I am getting sick of it. She is my friend and I am starting to get really angry. :(
So I kept thinking about that all day today and I just remembered, that I have one thing that would kind of work as an alarm. I have a christmas decoration (santa claus head) for the wall. It is pretty cool but if you turn it on and walk by the sensor, it say's: "HOHOHO, Froeliche Weihnachten euch allen" and then it starts playing some christmas songs. But the crazy part about it is, that it is so freaking loud that it scared my kids so bad that they don't even want it up. It scared me a few times when I passed it and forgot that it was there and it will definitely freak the crap out of people who try to break into a house. :D It will totally wake up the whole house. Maybe I should give that to my friend. Seriously it will give everyone a heartattack. :O
hahahahahahaha that would be so funny to see how robbers pee their pants. :D
Ok I guess that was my thought for the day. Nick mowed the lawn earlier, I had fun at my class last night and I actually have another audition coming up on the 10th. Exciting stuff. Maybe my persitence will pay off eventually and then I can show it to that butt-agency! ;)
Let's hope the rest of the day will go well and we can start a nice new week tomorrow.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Thursday September 17th...
I grew up with a certain saying: "Think about what you want to say, then count to 10 and then say it" but a lot of people talk first, then count to 10 and then they realize what they just said!"
My very good friend Elizabeth just told me today about the Video Music Awards and what happened to Taylor Swift. I can only shake my head and say: "HELLOOOOOOOOO! Do you have a brain?" I have never been a big fan of Kayne West but come on treating another person like that always stinks. At least he apologized but still. (Maybe he is from the agency who wrote me that sweet e-mail at the beginning of the week. ;))
My Mom always told me that nothing is so sharp and hurtful as the tongue. Once things are said you can't take them back anymore.
I still have things slip out now and then but I try my hardest not to get carried away and swallow things I shouldn't say.
There is a big difference between sarcasm and rudeness and if people can't tell those apart then they should better keep their mouths shut. :D
Also one of my friends car got towed yesterday because someone decided to be a jerk and couldn't wait for the 10min. she was there. I heard once that you have to give people at least 24hours notice but that obviously only apply's to those tattle tails whenever they are in a situation like that. :( Punch them too.
So yeah this week isn't over yet so let's hope there aren't anymore stinkers out there trying to make other life's miserable.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wednesday September 16th...
Have you ever had a really angry/ strange feeling inside where you have to do something or you feel like you are going to explode? That's how I felt yesterday so while doing my dishes I couldn't stop thinking about that e-mail so I knew I had to do something about it. ;) I grabbed 2 pillows and screamed in it. :D My boys looked weird at me at first but then they thought it was funny. Anyway it did make me feel better. At least for a little while. And then I was able to go to class last night and that helped too. I love going there it is always fun and learning new things is great too.
Here is a Video from our boys where they play nicely with each other. They can do it when they want to but they also can fight pretty good.
Today should be a more quiet day I hope. Nothing big besides a physical therapist appointment for me and hopefully Nick will be able to buy a second car for us. He spend a lot of time on the internet finding one that is still good and cheap. :) I actually drive more now and even though there are still areas where I won't drive to it will be good to have a another car so we can actually leave without having to ask friends all the time to drive us around. In fact I could even take my friends with me (as long as I feel ok with the area). :D
So yeah fun stuff. Let's hope today is going to be a good and not stressful day and I don't get anymore e-mails that make me mad. I have a pretty exploding temper (even though I learned to control it) and making me angry isn't a very good thing to do. :P
I know, life has it's ups and downs and that is a good thing because that makes us appreciate the good times even more.
It is afternoon now and I just worked with Josh on a few letters. I took a picture of it since I am so proud. He wrote his name all by himself. It doesn't always work yet, but we are getting there. :D
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tuesday September 15th... and I am still mad...
Anyway I do look forward to my class tonight. That always cheers me up and is alwas fun to do. Normally it isn't my turn on Tuesday nights but since I couldn't go last friday (due to our car trouble) I can make-up for it tonight. And then I go again on Friday night. Whoohoo life is good!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Monday September 14th... I am mad...
I think I can handle rejection ok as long as I am treated in a nice and kind way but rudeness makes me wanting to really punch someone. Listen to this: I am taking acting classes and of course I have to try to bring myself out there and find an agency. Today I send out an e-mail to inquire if that one agency represents new learning actors and here is the reply:
"Several months of acting lessons does NOT make one an accomplished actor. Get some things on a reesume(she can't even write this word right but judges me) before you start looking for an agent."
Isn't that freaking ridiculous? Oh man I want to hit her really bad. I never said I was a perfect actress already I was just trying to find out if they even give new actors a chance but I would say that is a big no. It doesn't matter I wouldn't want to be represented by someone who treats others like that. I am so tempted to say something my friend Elizabeth say's whenever she is mad at something or someone. ;)
Anyway let's change the subject but this will take a while until I am over it. What an end to a pretty stressful day. :(
But something was funny again. We went shopping tonight and while waiting for the packers to finish putting everything into plastic bags, one of the girls asked me how old the boys were. I told her the age and her respond: "What, they aren't twins?" Hahahahahahaha that is actually one reason why I started dressing Josh and Nathan the same because we have been asked quite often now if they are twins. ;) And since people think that already I like to confuse them even more with the same clothes. :D Yes I know I am mean but oh well...
Let's hope that tomorrow is a better day because the boys drove me crazy almost all day. It is so crazy what they are fighting about. Nathan is the more difficult one right now but Josh knows how to make his little brother upset and so they both just tick me off. :O Nathan doesn't like when Josh also wants to stand next to me or when I get out a snack, I have to make two piles because our 2 year old freaks out if I don't. Life is interesting, that's for sure.
My thoughts are with the family from Patrick Swayze. I can't believe he died already. Oh how I hate cancer!!!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sunday September 13th 2009
Again I am super tired and yet I can't sleep during the day. I actually made the effort earlier to lay down and try but nope nothing. So annoying I can tell you. :(
Anyway besides that Sundays are nice days since my hubby is home and we just get to spend the day together as a family. Actually today I make him work his butt of with the kids since I was alone with them for a few days and now I take the break I deserve, lol. ;) Can you imagine how hard he had to work after we were separated for almost 11 months last year? :P
Hahahahaha yes I am a mean wife but at least I admit it, right?
You know what I don't like very much? Whiny kids. Man I just want to run away screaming when they start getting cranky. And what is it that they always come to me whining? Maybe it is the fact that even though I am a mean person, I am still nice? Ok I guess that didn't make much sense just now but it is true. Totally unfair that kids show more respect for their fathers than they do for us. :(
Another thing that ticks me off is, that my 2 year old always throws stuff whenever he doesn't get his way or gets very frustrated with something. It doesn't matter what it is, he will throw it. :O He also pushes his big brother out of the way if he gets mad. A few weeks ago we went with a few friends and their kids to Chick-fil-A. The kids played in the playarea and Nathan wanted to get in there as well. Someone opened the heavy door for him and since Josh was right in the way he just moved him out of the way. He is pretty strong. And the reason he is so strong-wilt is probably because he has a huge overdose of german blood in him. No not just from me, Nick has pretty much plain german blood in him as well. ;) But I admit I am more stubborn than he is, maybe because I lived my whole life in Germany and grew up that way. :P
So yeah that was another thought of mine today. I do love it though when our boys play nicely with their millions of cars. That is one of the best parts of the day (well the best one is bedtime of course.)
By the way is it just me or is there a majoy baby boom going on? I have 2 sister-in-laws who are pregnant right now and also tons of friends. Kind of scary if you ask me. ;) And than everyone is afraid of the swine-flu... hahahahahahahahaha
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Saturday September 12th...
Anyway I was able to go to a temple session today and that was nice. One of the YW from the ward watched the boys so that escape was more than welcome. One of my friends went through the temple for the first time and I just wanted to support her. :D
As for the breaks I needed: My dear husband has been out of town for the past almost 4 days and since our stupid car broke I had been stuck here for most of this week. Oh well I survived and in just a bit he should be back.
Earlier this evening I gave our boys a bath since we have church earlier again tomorrow. While I was drying Josh of Nathan played around and looked at his older brother. Josh gave him a look back and said in german: "Was guckst du?" (What are you looking at?) hahahahahaha those kids crack me up sometimes.
Ok I am starving now and my throat still hurts too. Hahahahaha one of my friends suggested I have the swine flu. lol I doubt that very much but maybe... "oink, oink!"
Friday, September 11, 2009
September 11th 2009
Later we heard those wonderful stories of how people were late for work and that's why they weren't in the towers. As terrible as it is, I do believe that God was watching out for them and blessed them in many ways. There could have been so many more people in those buildings and I am grateful I have my faith in God and that I can know that he is there for us no matter what happens. We don't always understand why certain things happen but I know it is for a reason.
Besides those thoughts I don't feel the greatest today. It started yesterday already. It probably has to do with the fact that I haven't been sleeping very well the past 2 nights and also my nose is stuffed and my throat feels pretty funky. :( I hate feeling sick. It really does suck and I hope my kids won't get it because that will suck even more.
But I probably should try to see it positive. Obviously my body is telling me I need to slow down (not that I have been doing much the past few days anyway) but after the past very busy weekend it is trying to tell me that I am not 20 anymore and that I can't keep going like that. Hahahahahahaha I sound like a 90 year old right now.
Last night I was watching 2 episodes from the TV-Show Reba. I love their sense of humor. It is so funny and it makes me laugh every time even though I have seen it quite a few times now. The coolest was when Van told Cheyenne she snored and that she sounded like a fog horn. Hahahahahahahaha! That totally made me feel better last night. After all, laughing is the best medicine.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Thursday 10.09.09
But our boys are so funny. I like to listen to the "Mamma Mia soundtrack" and since they are with me all the time they have to listen to it too. It is hilarious when our 2 year old starts singing "Money, money, money..." hahahaha They really sing along now and not quiet either I can tell you.
Last night I was watching the movie "Wedding Date". It was cute but also not so much my type of movie. It was a chickflick, but the story itself was not exactly what I like. It seemed to me there were to many cheating on each other stories going on and that isn't something I enjoy. It is sad that so many movies are about things like that now. They really need to change something in Hollywood, so the Tv-shows and movies become cleaner again. I don't even understand why all that stuff has to be in there anyway. I mean they prove themselves that it does work without and that people actually watch those movies too. I promise if I get the chance, I will tell those Hollywood people. ;)
Actually one of my friends is in LA today so maybe I should send her a text message to share my opinion with anyone famous she meets. :) Hmmm maybe not such a good start into the acting business but hey I am german. What do I care what others think of me. ;)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
09.09.09 - what a morning...
So yeah that was quite an adventure this morning. Our boys felt the excitement as well. When we called my Mom, Josh told her that our green car was broken (as if we have multiple cars lol) and she thought at first we had an accident or something but it is just the stupid transmission. We had problems with it before and I guess it is this model that has issues with it. So whoever built those transmissions punch yourself in the face, because this sucks!!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tuesday September 8th
Today I hung out with my very good friend who was watching 2 girls from another friend. Our kids love to play with each other and it is nice to have another adult around to have some real conversations.
I am just so tired. Right now I probably could just lay down and sleep a bit but no I won't do that. First of all I can't leave my kids unattended and second I want to sleep tonight.
Want to hear a favorite quote of mine? Well you actually don't have a choice since I am doing it if you like it or not because guess what... this is my blog. :P Sorry got distracted again so my favorite quote: "The man might be the head of the family, but the woman is the neck and the neck can turn the head anywhere she wants!!!!" :D I think that the is truest quote ever!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Nick's birthday... September 7th
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Sunday September 6th
Nick took Josh on a little bike ride in the neighborhood yesterday and when they came back, our son had fallen down and scratched his knee. Oh well that is part of learning I guess.
But man I am so tired. I need a vacation from being a helpful and nice person. hahahahahahahahaha yeah all right I agree I am not that nice and so I take it back. I admit that stubbornness is my second name. ;) But hey if you still like me after knowing that, it is your fault so deal with it. :D
Today I am going to relax. We have a dinner invitation to our friends and I am very excited for that. Maybe I make my husband to give me a foot massage tonight. Ehm did I say make him? What I meant of course was asking him very kind and nicely if he would be willing to do something like that for me. hahahahahaha yeah I know my politeness sucks, but I can fake it very well. :D
Friday, September 4, 2009
Friday September 4th
Our sweet Nathan decided he would play with Josie's water and food dish and made a mess with that. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
But we did have a nice experience listening to President Hinckley's son yesterday. I am grateful I have the church in my life and I am thankful I have a faith and I know God is real and that he is there for us no matter what is going on. Life sucks sometimes but it is nice to know that we have a purpose in life and believe it or not. I do love my boys! ;)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Thursday September 3rd
There are a lot of thoughts in my head at the moment. Things I am not so sure about in what to do. One is that I want to have my Mom's books published so badly but I would have to translate it first to try it over here and in Germany they already tried so many times. I thought about posting one chapter after another on my blog but would that be worth it? People could read it yes, but people could also steal it right? Oh man I want to fullfill her dreams and it seems there is no way of doing that right now. :(
I am just a very impatient person when it comes to that. Exciting things have to work out right away. I just don't have the patience to wait for it. :O
But that is probably what I need to learn. Heavenly father knows us and knows what we need to learn (even though we might not like it).
Ok enough of that. I am almost getting bored with myself. lol Life is so weird sometimes.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tonight I am having a girls night out. We have "Recipe-Exchange-Night" (a little private activity from our church) and I really look forward to it. I am really grateful I have a wonderful husband who supports me and is always willing to help me out so I can get a break. :D
What I am making for tonight? Hawaii toast and whole wheat banana cookies. Yummy!
September 2nd 2009
Life is good and busy. Our boys are growing fast and our oldest son will be going to preschool very soon. I can't believe he is over 4 years already.