Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday October 15th 2009...

Yes today was exciting and still a bit disappointing too. Yesterday I received an e-mail from an agency who wanted me to e-mail them my resume and headshot. Of course I did that right away and shortly after sending it off, I got a call from them asking me to come in for an interview the next day. :D
After contacting my teacher and stuff I started getting worried that this was just another scam so I wasn't too happy when I went to bed last night.
Today I talked to my teacher on the phone and he gave me a few tips what to look for and things like that and so off I went after dropping off my kids at a friends house.
It was a very nice interview and I had a good feeling all along. So I do trust my feelings and think this is the right thing to do right now. :D
Then in the late afternoon I had an audition for a student project. I drove there just to find out that it was another twisted story about a man having an affair with his son's fiance. Man I am getting really angry now. I mean isn't it sad enough that things like that happen? Do we have to have those in movies also? :O What happened to the world?
Yes with my standards and values I have a huge fight ahead of me if I want to continue my dream but you know what I am willing to put up with it. Something has to happen. I know I am only one person and I don't have any power but maybe I have some influence who knows. What is it that dirty stupid scenes have to be in movies anyway? I have seen plenty of movies without that and guess what those movies get watched as well. If you want certain things in a movie, why don't you just watch the movies that are designed for that gross stuff?
What happens between a husband and wife (man and women) is wonderful but it doesn't have to be seen on TV. Foul language is annoying too. Why can't we talk nice and normal anymore? Why do so many movies and tv-shows have to have double meaning or even dirtyness to be funny?
Man this really does get to me and makes me so mad. I love movies and I love to laugh but little things that aren't necessary ruining a movie for me.
Yes all this just makes me want to show that it works without all that. It makes me want to change something.
I have heard so many times if you don't do certain things then you won't be successful in this business. Well HELLO do I have news for you. I don't care. I am not that stubborn for nothing. I might not get anywhere but I will at least try and I won't give up that easily. NO WAY! You are messing with the wrong girl.
Challenge is something we all need and I know that if I trust my feelings, listen to my insticts and trust in heavenly father everything that is meant for me will happen.
Yes I have my down times now and then and get discouraged but I also continue to trust in God and will keep going as long as I think it is right.
One quote I really love say's: "Nobody said it will be easy, but it will be all worth it!" I think that say's it all.


Thomas said...

I'm glad that you stand up for what you believe.

Rebifromgermany said...

Thanks Thomas. It is hard but also nice and rewarding.