Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer Fun 2010... July

So I think I should be in bed right now but since my hubby still plays the Wii I thought it would be a good idea to update our blog some more. We had a great summer with all the family visit and vacation we had. It was awesome and we enjoyed it all. :)

Nick took our boys to the pool once while his family was staying in Ocean side. They seemed to enjoy themselves even though it wasn't a very nice day that day. ;)

Nick and I took my brother and his wife to Hollywood the day my sister left. It was actually fun and we had a great time. Of course Hollywood has a special meaning for my acting heart and so I enjoyed it even more. It was just nice to check it out and explore Beverly Hills and Hollywood a little bit.

We also saw an incredible expensive car on Rodeo Dr.! Apparently that car doesn't exist very often and so I took a few pictures. I already forgot the name again (I am just not a car freak) but I am sure everyone who is interested in cars will know what that thing is. ;) To me I am happy as long as the car looks half decent and drives. I couldn't care less what type it is. Anyway... (by the way it is a Bugatti I think, at least that's what it say's on the license plate)

So yeah to be honest I wasn't really interested in that car at all. But my brother and Nick stopped right away and couldn't believe they saw "such an amazing car" standing there. I was like "so what, it is a car... and?" But no this is awesome and very, very, very expensive.
Then we checked out some of the "stars"...

It was just loads of fun and we enjoyed it very much. But now our vacation time is over. Nick started work again. He works pretty much the same job in the same office just without the uniform. He seems to like it ok.
I have had some success with my acting and that makes me very happy. I did a little student film and I posted it on youtube. It is silly but was fun and even though the audio is quite a bit of at times, I really enjoyed it. :) Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think.

Also I did an video audition for a webisode and they liked it so much that they hired me. I was so excited when I received that e-mail. It is just nice and feels so good when someone likes your work and I have so much passion for acting. :) You can also check that out on youtube:

It was fun and I enjoyed it. The shooting starts sometime in August and I am very excited about it. I am actually going to make some money with it too and that makes me even more happy. :) So here a picture of me as food critic (I am going to do something like that in those webisodes.)

Yep life is good and we are happy and healthy. Josh and Nathan continue to develop well and bring a lot of joy but also a lot of stress into our lifes. ;) Josh will be starting kindergarten in about a month and that is a scary thought, however most of his little friends already started and so he is just enjoying the rest of the summer because school will be a long day for him. They start at 8.15am and get out at 2.30pm. Wow that is even long for me.
Our boys also can be soooooooo funny. Yesterday I went to lunch with one of my friends and Josh dropped one of his cars behind the seats and we couldn't get it back. He was super tired (we just came from the zoo) and cranky and upset about that and wasn't happy at all. He kept whining and complaining about it in the car and all of sudden Nathan realized what had happend... "Oh no Josh. What did you do?" Those were his exact words. I just couldn't help it but had to smile. :) I love them. They drive me nuts and insane almost all the time but I just love them.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July... Sonntag 4. Juli 2010...

Das war vorhin gar nicht so leicht mich zu verabschieden. Auch die Jungs sind langsam doch alt genug um zu verstehen, dass das ein Abschied fuer laenger sein wird und haben somit dementsprechend reagiert. :( Nathan hat immer wieder zu meiner Mutter gesagt sie sollten nicht fahren oder er wollte eben mit und Josh hat das ganze zwar total tapfer mitgemacht, aber kaum war das Auto nicht mehr zu sehen, drehte er sich mit einem halben Flunsch zu uns um und sagte ganz leise: "Ich werde sie vermissen." Boar das macht es dann einem natuerlich noch schwerer.
Trotzdem hatten wir eine schoene und tolle Zeit. Wir haben super viel unternommen und eine Menge erlebt und ganz viel Spass gehabt. ;) Schade nur, dass mir meine Depressionen immer mal wieder einen Strich durch die Rechnung gezogen haben und ich leider nicht immer so gluecklich und froehlich sein konnte wie ich es gerne wollte. :( Aber im grossen und ganzen war es einfach nur genial und ich habe es geliebt alle hier zu haben.
Jetzt planen wir erst einmal wieder nach Deutschland zu fliegen und wenn alles gut laeuft und klappt, wird das im hoffentlich im naechsten Fruehjahr passieren. :) Man braucht ja doch immer etwas worauf man sich freuen kann und die Zeit geht ja so furchtbar schnell herum, ehe wir uns versehen wird dann auch unser Deutschlandurlaub da sein. Sicherlich wuerden sich auch meine Oma's und Nick's Grosseltern freuen wenn wir mal wieder nach Deutschland kaemen. Also arbeiten wir ganz einfach darauf hin.
Nick hat jetzt ja seinen Arbeitsplatz im selben Buero sicher. Ab Ende Juli ist er ganz offiziell aus der Navy heraus (hat noch 2 Jahre bei den Reserves, aber das kommt nur in Frage wenn ganz grosse Not herrscht).
Wir fuehlen uns wirklich sehr gesegnet und sind dankbar fuer alles und jeden den wir haben. Heute ist natuerlich wieder so ein Tag wo einem bewusst wird, wie dankbar wir fuer vieles sein koennen.