Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday October 17th...

Wow what a cool day. I started out by baking loads of whole wheat banana chocolate chip cookies for a babyshower. The babyshower was tons of fun and I enjoyed the conversations I was having. :D
Soon after the babyshower we went to my very first Football game with some friends. It was so awesome and I enjoyed every minute of it. It was so cool to sit there with people I knew and also loads of other BYU fans. YEAH!
The only thing that was pretty annoying was that dude next to us. Man he kept commenting on things and not quiet either. I was like "Hello... I am trying to watch that here..." Well I didn't say it but I would have liked too, but I think my husband would have died in embarrassment right there if I would have said anything. ;)
So I pretended it was funny and everything was cool. :D It was really tons of fun and I love the atmosphere in a live game.
After the game we all went out to dinner to a japanese restaurant where they cook the stuff on a table right infront of you. That was freaking awesome! :) I had never been to anything like that before so that was pretty cool to watch.
So I think right now my life is pretty cool again. That makes it nicer when tough times approach because you have fun times to remember. :D
Thanks again for a fun day. Great to have friends to share days like that with.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Freitag Oktober 16th 2009... heute mal in deutsch...

Ich habe mir ueberlegt, dass ich von jetzt an 1x englisch und 1x deutsch schreiben werde, damit auch meine Familie und Freunde in Deutschland an diesem Blog teilnehmen koennen, die vielleicht groessere Probleme mit der englischen Sprache haben.

War heute wieder ein voller aber guter Tag. Es ist schon suess wenn ich meinen "grossen" Sohn zum Kindergarten bringe und er sich freut mit seinen Freunden zusammen sein zu koennen. Heute z.B. kam ein kleiner Junge auf uns zu und meinte: "Hi Josh!" Oh so suess. :D

Ich nehme Nathan jetzt immer mit zu meiner Physiotherapie. Er fuehlt sich dort schon wie zuhause und benimmt sich auch so. Er erwartet doch sehr viel Aufmerksamkeit und zeigt den Therapeuten ganz genau was er will. Seit sie beim ersten mal fuer ihn das Laufband angestellt haben damit er seine Autos darauf stellen konnte, muss das jetzt jedesmal gemacht werden. Ausserdem hat sich der eine Therapeut eine andere Beschaeftigung ausgedacht in dem er kleine Plastikrohre zusammensteckt, Nathan Murmeln in die Hand drueckt und ihm zeigt wie er diese dadurch kullern lassen kann, wenn er die Rohre etwas schief legt oder hoch stellt. Ja, ja ist schon lustig den kleinen Jungen zu beobachten wie er sich ueber so etwas freut.
Das eine mal hat ihn der eine Therapeut auf den Stuhl neben sich gesetzt da er gerade mit etwas beschaeftigt war und Nathan hat das nun als Bestrafung aufgefasst und gedacht er haette etwas falsch gemacht und sich staendig entschuldigt. :) Echt niedlich.

Meine Klasse war heute auch wieder schoen und meine "Mitschueler" und Lehrerin haben sich sehr darueber gefreut, dass ich eine Agentur gefunden habe die mich vertreten will und ausserdem die erste Einladung ein Hintergrundschauspieler in einem Studentenfilm zu sein. Bin mal gespannt wie das wird.
So ja ist ganz schoen spannend zur Zeit.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday October 15th 2009...

Yes today was exciting and still a bit disappointing too. Yesterday I received an e-mail from an agency who wanted me to e-mail them my resume and headshot. Of course I did that right away and shortly after sending it off, I got a call from them asking me to come in for an interview the next day. :D
After contacting my teacher and stuff I started getting worried that this was just another scam so I wasn't too happy when I went to bed last night.
Today I talked to my teacher on the phone and he gave me a few tips what to look for and things like that and so off I went after dropping off my kids at a friends house.
It was a very nice interview and I had a good feeling all along. So I do trust my feelings and think this is the right thing to do right now. :D
Then in the late afternoon I had an audition for a student project. I drove there just to find out that it was another twisted story about a man having an affair with his son's fiance. Man I am getting really angry now. I mean isn't it sad enough that things like that happen? Do we have to have those in movies also? :O What happened to the world?
Yes with my standards and values I have a huge fight ahead of me if I want to continue my dream but you know what I am willing to put up with it. Something has to happen. I know I am only one person and I don't have any power but maybe I have some influence who knows. What is it that dirty stupid scenes have to be in movies anyway? I have seen plenty of movies without that and guess what those movies get watched as well. If you want certain things in a movie, why don't you just watch the movies that are designed for that gross stuff?
What happens between a husband and wife (man and women) is wonderful but it doesn't have to be seen on TV. Foul language is annoying too. Why can't we talk nice and normal anymore? Why do so many movies and tv-shows have to have double meaning or even dirtyness to be funny?
Man this really does get to me and makes me so mad. I love movies and I love to laugh but little things that aren't necessary ruining a movie for me.
Yes all this just makes me want to show that it works without all that. It makes me want to change something.
I have heard so many times if you don't do certain things then you won't be successful in this business. Well HELLO do I have news for you. I don't care. I am not that stubborn for nothing. I might not get anywhere but I will at least try and I won't give up that easily. NO WAY! You are messing with the wrong girl.
Challenge is something we all need and I know that if I trust my feelings, listen to my insticts and trust in heavenly father everything that is meant for me will happen.
Yes I have my down times now and then and get discouraged but I also continue to trust in God and will keep going as long as I think it is right.
One quote I really love say's: "Nobody said it will be easy, but it will be all worth it!" I think that say's it all.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursday October 8th 2009

Last night I had another Recipe-Exchange-Night again. As I thought nobody turned up besides one of my friends. I am not really upset just a bit disappointed because all that cleaning and setting everything up, decorating a bit nice was almost for nothing. :( Oh well I am just learning from it. Again I am not sad just a bit disappointed.
Everyone is telling me not to take it personal and to be honest I really don't want to hear that anymore. I know it is not going against me but in a way it is. I don't even know how to describe it. Right now it is just so hard to deal with something like that since all the things I try and I am excited about don't seem to work at all.
It is like it doesn't matter what I do or try nothing works out and that is pretty discouraging. Oh well I will survive and I am not as down as I was two weeks ago. I am sure once I am through a bunch of stupid trials it will get better again. ;) And maybe then I can actually appreciate them. Let's hope for a good weekend. I actually have another audition so I am hoping this goes well for a change. ;) I could use some good news and some success for a change. :D

By the way I am trying to record my voice by singing songs I listen to (you hear them in the backround) and it is funny how different your voice sounds when you recorded it.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday October 1st... morning after my first "real" baseball game

Ok I can't believe that we have October already. Doesn't time fly like crazy? 3 more months and we are in 2010. Whoa that is scary and cool at the same time. :)

Anyway I want to write about my very first real Baseball game experience. But first I want to say that I went to my class on Tuesday night and had soooooooooo much fun. It was well needed and I don't think I had laughed like that in quite some time.
So and yesterday then I got a call from my hubby telling that he might be able to get tickets for the baseball game at night through the military. A little later he called and said there were no more tickets. :( But again a while later he called back and said they still had some. I am like: "Stop messing with my head and make up your mind!" ;)
So yeah we went to the Balboa hospital to take a bus as a group. We almost missed it because some very smart person decided to have the bus wait on one side of the base and the tickets had to be picked up on the other side. :( We were late already but luckily they waited and so it was all good. (Still next time have the tickets where the bus is waiting. I mean HELLO some thinking is required.)
So yeah we got to Petco stadium and were greeted from someone from the media who took us to a "VIP-military-area" where we had free food (hotdogs, burgers and such) and drinks. Pretty cool. But some of those people were already drunk so that wasn't very cool since their language wasn't the greatest either. :( Then we went into the stadium and that really was an awesome experience. We actually had pretty good seats and I enjoyed it very much.
It was interesting to see because I knew quite abit about baseball already but man most of it was a bit boring as they always seem to take their time to actually do something. I am like well they can't get tired because they aren't doing anything. ;) But the padres won so that was awesome. And the little action we got was super cool. The field players in the back of the field did a great job catching a few balls out of the air and gave the LA dodgers one out or more. :D I have to say the dodgers really sucked last night. (I wasn't sad about it, but that made it more boring.)
One of the funny things I noticed that the padres pitchers did, was that before they actually threw the ball, they held it right behind their butt. I told Nick that it looked like they would fart on it before sending the ball off. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha I am still laughing about that. Seriously I am convinced they let some gas out so the other team would be distracted through the smell. Hahahahahahahahahahaha ok maybe not but it looked funny. :D
We won 5:0 so yeah it was a fun night I would always do again.