Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 is almost done...

Wow, I can't believe that we are so close to the end of another year. 2011 has gone by fast, and it just doesn't seem like we are approaching 2012 in just 2 days.

It's been a good year, with loads of vacation time, spending time with family and relatives and experiencing fun new things. We feel very blessed and are very thankful that heavenly father takes such good care of us, as long as we do our part and do what we are supposed to be doing.

I finished my first semester at the BYU-Idaho and even though it was more work than I thought it would be, it was fun and I enjoyed it very much. I am scared to start a new semester next week, scared because I have to take math, but I am hoping that it will go better than I think it will.

Different things are going through my mind right now as I think about this past year. Life isn't always easy and even more difficult when you suffer from depressions, and you see things in a more different light than you usually would. Trying to be happy when you feel unhappy and angry all the time, isn't easy at all, but I will continue to do my best and hope that everyone around me will be patient with me as much as possible.

I have noticed more and more this year, that more and more people around me, focus more and more on material things instead of the things that are really important. New phones, cars, big-flat-screen-TV's, all those high-technology stuff, expensive and brand-new, expensive clothes... so very important for so many. It bugs me I have to admit, because I don't see why a 10 year old (or younger) already needs a cell phone (not to mention such a fancy one they all seem to have) and all these other fancy things.
Everyone is whining and complaining about how they don't have any money and how they are struggling financially, but they have to waste all their money on so much junk.

What is the world coming to and what makes us say we need, need, need all these luxuaries and why we continue to see it as a necessesity while for real it is a luxuary? We are teaching our kids to be wasteful, and to spend the money we don't have, on things we don't need!

It makes me sad, because those material things seem to mean more to a lot of people, than trying to grow spiritually. It makes us selfish, greedy and it means we don't have our priorities in order.

Why does it have to be clothes from a special brand? Why do we need a new cellphone, I pod, Ipad (or whatever those things are called) when our old one still works fine? Is it because we want to be cool and have to compete with everyone else? Are we really this vain? Do we really care more about those fancy things and what others think of us, than what is really important in life?

No wonder America has no money. Everyone spends freely to get the things they WANT and the excuse is, they need it... and then they don't have money for the things that are really important or they actually do need. It is a bad evil circle...

I think we can live without a lot of things, but we have to be willing to give it up. To be honest I don't care what others think of me. If I am not cool because I have a cheap and lame phone, old car and don't wear brand clothes, well that's just too bad but it is not my problem. I am not saying I am better than others, absolutely not. But I have learned what is really important in life and material things aren't.
Sure, if we want to spoil ourselves a little bit now and then, no problem.... If we have the money for it!!!However, if we just spend and waste money we don't even have to spend and waste, then it is just wrong.

When will America (and any country/ culture really) wake up! When will we start focusing on more important things? Heavenly father blesses us so much, but it never seems to be enough and we want more and more, instead of being grateful for what we have.

Those material things are only fun for here, we can't take them with us when we pass on, did you ever think about that?

May 2012 bless you all. May the new year make us realize how stupid and unimportant all those material things are, and that we finally try to focus on things that are important for our eternal life. I am grateful I have the gospel in my life. I am grateful that Jesus Christ died for me and that I can return to live with him and heavenly father after this life. I am grateful that I can work on, what really is important in life, every single day and that I can give myself wake-up calls, to remember why we are here on this earth and what our goal should be.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Manchmal ist das Leben einfach nur doof...

Ist schon irgendwie deprimierend. Ich versuche wirklich da zu sein fuer meine Freunde und Lieben, aber manchmal fuehle ich mich einfach nur genervt und frage mich, was es ueberhaupt bringt. Wie selten habe ich es, das sich jemand bei mir erkundigt wie es mir geht? In letzter Zeit sehe ich staendig nur wie jeder auf Facebook wahnsinnig angibt, oder ich kriege merkwuerdige SMS von jemanden der anfgibt wieviel sie an Gewicht verloren hat. Kein Hallo nichts. Keine Frage wie es mir geht.
Man tut seinen Freunden etwas gutes und es ist doch nicht genug. Man besucht einen Freund und anstatt das sich die Person darueber freut, dass man sich die Zeit genommen hat sie zu besuchen, kriegt man noch Vorfuerfe zu hoeren das man gelangweilt aussah und sie ignoriert hat... kein Danke das man sich Muehe gegeben hat eine Unterhaltung in Gang zu setzen, kein Danke das man vorbeigekommen ist, nein nur Vorwuerfe. Natuerlich versuche ich so etwas herunterzuspielen und mir nicht anmerken zu lassen, aber verletzen tut es mich schon.
Und dann muss man das immer tapfer runterschlucken und so tun als ob nichts waer. Ist schon nicht so einfach.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I hate my life right now...

It sure looks like I am falling into a big hole right now. I feel everyone just doesn't care what I mean or say and only understands what they want to understand. I am done with all this crap I have to deal with. It might be nothing for some people but to me it is a lot.
I am who I am. I never expect anyone to understand me, like me or whatever but I do expect respect and trying to accept me for the person I am. I try the same with everyone else. I don't always understand why others do certain things, and I might get upset and angry about their behavior but I also know I can't change it and try to accept them the way they are.
I am blunt and direct because I hate being fake and pretending everything is ok.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ich bin Studentin... 17.09.2011

Jetzt ist diese verrueckte Woche um und somit muss mich mal hinsetzen und das alles auf meinem Blog festhalten. Die BYU-Idaho bietet ein Online-Studium an und da Nick und ich beide das Gefuehl hatten, dass ich das machen sollte, habe ich mich dort vor ein paar Monaten beworben, bin angenommen worden und jetzt letzten Montag ging es los.
Ich habe in dem Sinne (zumindestens zur Zeit) aber nicht Klassen die ich online verfolgen muss, sondern wir haben einmal die Woche eine art Treffen im Pfahlhaus wo wir Dinge besprechen und so weiter ansonsten laeuft alles ueber den Computer. Dies ist jetzt erst einmal ein Vorprogramm das wir durchlaufen und die naechsten 3 Semester wird es so sein.

Ich habe eine Buch Mormon Klasse und ausserdem eine Klasse ueber das Programm. Ging aber gleich zur Sache, es gab jede Menge das wir lesen mussten, kleine Tests und Arbeiten ausfuellen und einreichen und ich bin hier echt von einer Krise in die naechste gefallen.
Zuerst habe ich die Website irgendwie ueberhaupt nicht gecheckt und nach und nach (mit viel gejammer auf Facebook) ging es dann doch und heute Mittag habe ich meine letzte Arbeit einreichen koennen und kann jetzt wieder etwas aufatmen. :)

Was ein Erlebnis. Erst einmal haette ich gar nicht gedacht das ich jemals wieder so etwas wie Schule machen wuerde, aber ich denke das ist etwas was ich tun soll (denn es sagt auch was darueber in meinem Patriachalischen Segen). Jetzt nach dem die erste Woche hinter mir ist, bin ich zwar total erschoepft, aber auch erleichtert und froh das ich es ueberstanden habe. Trotzdem fuehlt es sich auch sehr gut an sich auch geistig mal wieder ordentlich gefordert zu fuehlen und ich muss sagen, es macht mir sogar Spass. (Haette nie gedacht, dass ich jemals sagen wuerde das ich Freude an Schule habe und spaetestens im dritten Semester wird sich das sicherlich wieder aendern wenn ich Mathe habe...) ;)
Aber es ist schoen wenn man sehen kann was man geleistet hat, wie man durch gute Zensuren dafuer belohnt wird und das man sich austauschen kann mit Freunden die das Programm ebenfalls mit mir machen. Ich muss zugeben, dass ich tatsaechlich ehrgeizig bin, gute Noten haben moechte und eben mein bestes geben moechte. Hmm bin wohl doch reifer geworden. :)

Ich werde hier auf dem Blog auf alle Faelle oefter ueber dieses neue "Abenteuer" schreiben und kann jetzt relativ zuversichtlich sagen, dass ich mich bereits auf die 2. Woche freue. Herausforderungen sind zwar anstrengend und stressig, aber machen das Leben doch noch lebenswerter, oder?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sommer Urlaub 2011

Man ich habe schon wieder so lange nichts auf unserem Blog geschrieben. Wird echt mal wieder Zeit. :) Es ist ja nun nicht so, dass wir uns langweilen oder so und es einfach nichts zu schreiben gibt. Nee eher genau das Gegenteil, aber tja das aufraffen ist halt immer so eine Sache. ;)

Im Fruehling haben wir einen kleinen Urlaub in New Mexico gemacht und endlich einmal meinen Onkel und meine Tante besucht die jetzt wieder zurueck nach Deutschland gehen. War schon ziemlich cool dort.

                                            Turtele kommt eigentlich aus der Wueste lebt jetzt
                                            aber schon lange Zeit im Garten dieses Hauses.
                                            Er liebt Leberwurstbrot wie man sehen kann. :)                                          

                                                Isa und Josh auf der Hollywoodschaukel

Nathan checkt out Turtele beim fressen

Wir haben in den paar Tagen schon einiges erlebt und gesehen. White Sands war super cool. Ist schon witzig einen Huegel hinabzusausen der aussieht wie Schnee aber ganz heller Sand ist...

                                             Josh versucht sich im "Teller" fahren...

                                             einfach nur schoen...

                                              Jaaa, Wasser braucht man in der Wueste...

Dann haben wir natuerlich auch noch die uebrige Gegend abgecheckt. :) Ist schon Hammer was die Natur so alles bietet.
 Groesste Pistazie in der Welt...
Isa und ich freuen uns...

                                               Die Schoenheiten der Natur...


Pferde am Rande der Strasse...

Und selbstverstaendlich mussten wir noch den Pool bei meinen Verwandten ausprobieren. War na klar saukalt da der Pool den ganzen Winter ueber zugedeckt war, aber ich habe es geschafft ganz reinzugehen...

                                           Es ist wirklich so kalt...

Josh versucht sein Glueck mit den Fuessen...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Northern CA/ Oregon trip...

What a great long weekend I had. First of all I must say that I think I have the most awesomest husband ever. I mean how many husbands really are willing to watch the kids for a few days so his wife can go on a little adventure? Yes that's right not many. Most men feel overwhelmed to be with the kids 24/7, even though women are expected to handle that, but let's not get into that, shall we? ;)
I have been planning on what to put on my blog all weekend, but when you actually sit down to do it, your brain is empty. Well let's see what I can still pull off. :)

It was an amazing trip and we had tons of fun. The drive was very long but totally worth it. We left Thursday late afternoon drove a few hours stopped in Buellton (or something like that) and drove the rest of the way on Friday. I have to admit I had no idea that northern CA is so beautiful. I mean yeah it was pretty cold and wet at times but all in all we were super lucky with the weather.

Saturday then we were all in adventure mood and wanted to check out the area. First we were going to see the Drive through tree but we kept stopping on the way as the surroundings were so cool and beautiful. I don't think I ever took so many pictures in such a short time. :)
It was just amazing. I had no idea how beautiful and fun nature can be. I used to be more of an outdoor person when I was younger but in nowadays I am old and boring. Well that has to change again. ;)

It was nice that it was colder and cloudy and as you can see the water is going a bit crazy too.

Crazy looking road
More of the beautiful ocean
It was in real even better but the pictures can tell that it is worth to check out at one point in life.
So next we stopped at the beach to take a few pictures there. I just love big waves and the smell of the ocean. For some reason I was totally hyper too and we did a little photo shoot, playing around with the waves.

Yes that's right we were playing, pretending we were running away from them, however one mean wave surprise attacked us and so we had to find out the hard way that our winter boots aren't water proof. It was still fun and I have to admit I really enjoyed behaving like a child again. I think we adults need to do that more often. It is healthy and makes happy. :)
We drove back to the hotel to re-dry us and then we were off to check out the big trees. We went to the "Tour thru Tree" first thinking that was one of the way in into the Redwood national park but no of course not. We actually had to pay a fee before checking out the tree. Nobody was there to take the fee just a note saying that if no cashier is at the booth just place the money in the box.
I was impressed they obviously were only expecting honest people and since I am one (or at least try to be) I did what was asked of me to drive on.
At first it looked really promising as we were driving a bit up hill but it was just false advertisement because as soon as we drove around the corner we reached the huge Redwood-drive-through-tree but also a dead end. ;) Oh well we took it with a sense of humor and started our next photo session. Nobody was there anyway so we had all the time in the world...

It really is way to big to reach the sides...

She is just balancing trying not to step in the puddle. ;)

That tree was massive and impressive. I mean thanks to my shortness I usually do feel like a dwarf at times but that thing made me feel even smaller. :)

On our way back we noticed a cool sign that made me smile:

I mean don't get me wrong a Tsunami isn't fun but after getting aquainted with one of the waves, I truly believe that could happen.

Finally we were able to find a little way to check out more of those amazing and huge Redwood trees:

She is standing between parts of the trunk of one huge tree.
That's me in the stump of a gigantic tree.

We weren't even able to get the whole stump into one picture. It was that huge. Just amazing. I never thought I would ever see such huge trees.

Trying to kung fu the tree trunk apart...

After that we went over the border to Oregon, checked out another beach and did a little bit of rock-climbing. It was so much fun. I totally enjoyed myself and so did Miriam. Photos are yet to come as Miriam has them on her camera. But I have one that I can share:
The next day we checked out a beautiful river, more of those massive trees and went on a little hike. It was fun and we enjoyed your little photo sessions too.