Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Geez why is that? Tuesday April 20th 2010...

I can't believe my thinking sometimes. I mean every so often I get to a point where I am wondering about many different things. I have to admit it usually starts with me being angry about something. ;) I am a person who explodes quickly and also calms down quickly so yesterday was one of those days. It is crazy that when things go wrong there is usually more to come. :( And what ticks me of even more is when I start telling friends/ relatives about my thinking and they start lecturing me and or even throw a fit, making it sound like I am all negative and stuff. My goodness I am just trying to figure stuff out that has nothing to do with being negative and I don't want a solution either (men always seem to want to find an answer for everything). I just want to discuss some of my thoughts to get them of my chest. I would like to hear someone elses opinion without getting lectured. I soooooooooooooooooooooo hate to be lectured. It drives me crazy and makes me so mad when someone does that to me. And you know what's funny about that, usually the people who do that the most are the one's who get offended the easiest. They have an opinion on everything, share it freely with everyone and even try to force their opinion on you. ;) Sound familiar? Well I've met plenty of people (have plenty of people) in my life who do that. I try to be pretty tolerant and accept others and their ideas/ opinions on things but I expect the same in return. I know we have different opinions on things and that's fine with me but I don't like it when others try to change my mind just because they don't like my opinion. Nobody has to like it I don't always like others but we should be able to accept another person the way they are, right?
That's all I am asking about really. Accept me the way I am. I said it on so many occasions before. We can't change someone else. We don't have to like the same things. Some people love writing, some like me like acting, some like cooking, some like to read and so on (you get the point). Sometimes we even like a lot of different things but we all have a passion for something. I admire people who go for it. I admire people who have a dream and work on their talents. And I am happy for them when they succeed. Hey I do get jealous sometimes sure I do, after all I am human, but that shouldn't stop me from being happy for them and it is usually a kind jealousness if that makes sense? My Mom for example write's books. She just started her 4th one and hasn't been able to publish it (even though she tried so many times). I wish with all my heart that she would be able to succeed. But no matter what happens I know it happens for a purpose. I like writing too but I am just not as great at it as my Mom. A friend of mine would love to write but just doesn't have the time just yet with her kids being pretty small still. But I know she would be awesome at it and I know that she is going to do it once the right time has arrived and she has people who support her. Support is so important. Without it going for your passion is pretty much impossible. It sucks when you have people who say they will help you and support you and then as soon you start going somewhere with it, they back off or make you feel horrible about yourself all the time. It really stinks. I know, because I am also speaking from my own personal experience.
But obstacles/ trials/ hard times are good for us. I know because we learn from it. We wouldn't make any progress in any way if we didn't have opposition. ;) That's how we get better, how we can change ourselves.
I love life. I know some people don't think so because they like to twist my comments into something else but it is true. Life is great. I love my family, I am grateful for my friends and even my trials. I don't always like my hard times while going through it but I see afterwards how much it has helped me.
"Stop telling your God how big your storm is! Tell your storm how big your God is!!! :)

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