Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday 10.09.09

Ok the car is gone for now. Phew, was very interesting to watch the dude hook it up on his tow truck. After he was gone and I came up the stairs, Josh greeted me with the words: "Mommy, the green car is gone!" Well again: "HELLO! How many cars do you think we have?" hahahahahahahaha. I guess I should see it positive at least he knows what color it is. ;)
But our boys are so funny. I like to listen to the "Mamma Mia soundtrack" and since they are with me all the time they have to listen to it too. It is hilarious when our 2 year old starts singing "Money, money, money..." hahahaha They really sing along now and not quiet either I can tell you.
Last night I was watching the movie "Wedding Date". It was cute but also not so much my type of movie. It was a chickflick, but the story itself was not exactly what I like. It seemed to me there were to many cheating on each other stories going on and that isn't something I enjoy. It is sad that so many movies are about things like that now. They really need to change something in Hollywood, so the Tv-shows and movies become cleaner again. I don't even understand why all that stuff has to be in there anyway. I mean they prove themselves that it does work without and that people actually watch those movies too. I promise if I get the chance, I will tell those Hollywood people. ;)
Actually one of my friends is in LA today so maybe I should send her a text message to share my opinion with anyone famous she meets. :) Hmmm maybe not such a good start into the acting business but hey I am german. What do I care what others think of me. ;)

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