Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday September 15th... and I am still mad...

Ok I am so angry still. I just can't get over that rude stinking e-mail. What a jerk that person is. I mean I am glad I am not represented by someone like that but I mean come on... Those types of people should not work with people because clearly she doesn't have any people skills!!!!!!! Yes I know I am mad and I am sure it will take a while for me to get over it. I just have a huge problem with people who treat others like that. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Anyway I do look forward to my class tonight. That always cheers me up and is alwas fun to do. Normally it isn't my turn on Tuesday nights but since I couldn't go last friday (due to our car trouble) I can make-up for it tonight. And then I go again on Friday night. Whoohoo life is good!

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